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    Wednesday, October 5, 2011

    Empty Cupboard Syndrome

    Well today is payday, which means the last day I've shopped for. Which usually means the last legs of the fridge and cupboard. I tend to only buy what we need and use everything I can get my hands on. I didn't photo hubbies lunch because I was in a mad panic to pack, we accidentally slept in and had 15 minutes before he had to leave. Thankfully I did have some leftovers.
    So today it was quite woeful but I still managed to make the family breakfast and pack the man a lunch in 10 minutes.

    Leftover pasta salad, about 15 sakata crackers, sliced cheddar cheese, a tin of smoked tuna, a yoghurt topped musli bar and a sesame seed snack.
    I think I did get most of the portions right, might of lacked a bit of vegetables but there was plenty of protein, carbs and at least 1 serve of vegetables. I'll just have make up for it in dinner tonight. If I can find something to make.

    What did I have for lunch? Leftover pasta, a few meatballs and, wait for it, a home made pasta sauce with avocado!

    Avocado Pasta Sauce (1 lunch serve)
    Half an avocado
    Half a lemon
    Handful of grated cheese
    Fresh basil (I used 2 leaves)
    Vegetable sprinkle (ok I used this in leu of salt and garlic)

    Put it all in a bowl, mash up into a paste, and then mix into hot pasta. Absolutely delish!!!

    I think leftovers and having an empty cupboard really makes you think and get creative in the kitchen. Have you made a Frankenstein meal that turned out to be a real winner?

    Nyaa!! =(^_^)=

    0 Nyas:

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