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    Thursday, October 20, 2011

    First Wedding Anniversary

    Well today is my first wedding anniversary! My husband and I will be together for 5 years come April next year. It's cliche, but it feels like just yesterday we were married, this year has gone so very fast.

    After all this time together, we are still learning and growing as a couple. We've had a few really rough patches though, Christmas time last year my husband was diagnosed with meningitis. We went to hospital early December as my husband had a migraine for almost a week. He was vomiting and could barely eat or drink. I decided I'd had enough watching him suffer and urged him to hospital. After a full day of waiting and testing (including a rather painful lumbar puncture), he was diagnosed with meningitis. They were still undecided whether it was bacterial or viral so they just put him on all the antibiotics just to be on the safe side. I remember seeing him so helpless and lethargic and worried myself sick about him. I had a dr and head nurse warn me that I'd it was bacterial they'd have to quarantine the whole family in hospital for at least 2 weeks (over Christmas). I was set in panic and fear that my husband would die as bacterial meningitis can be fatal. They escalated the situation and quarantined him, making visitors wear face masks, gloves, hairnets, foot covers and aprons. They were worried he might get ill from outside germs which could make him even worse.

    Thankfully, this story has a very happy ending. After almost 2 weeks in hospital my husband came home. He was quite weak for the first few days, but managed to make a full recovery. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift. A healthy husband, and our family together again.

    Then we fast forward to June, where I was told I needed surgery. I had been struggling with back and muscle issues since my gorgeous babies literally destroyed my core. I had been fine working with physio's and plotting along, until I was pulled aside and told things were getting worse. So bad that if I stayed on the course I'd be in a wheelchair or need serious walking aide within 5-10 years. I'd not be able to hold my children, run in the park or function normally. This really shook us all up, and I was in denial for quite a while. I finally agreed to see the surgeon and he urged me to consider a tummy tuck and breast reduction and assured me it would make things a lot easier. This didn't come cheap, even after private health insurance and also Australia's Medicare plan. We had to have surgery, so we had to come up with the money. Thankfully we had fantastic family support and were able to go ahead.

    Fast forward to the day of the operation.... I don't think I could've gone through with it if my husband wasn't by my side. He was all the support I needed getting into the surgery. And when I woke up he was there, whatever time of day or night, he was there to listen. He waited on my hand and foot when I got home. Never got frustrated with my whining, never complained about cooking and cleaning. Just simply did anything he could do to make me feel comfortable. And he has been so supportive since then too. I am only around 10 weeks post op now, so things are still hard. But he is always there, with a listening ear and a kind encouraging word, to keep me on the positive path.

    My husband has been by my side, through good and bad, sickness and health, through fat and thin. I couldn't ask for anyone else, there isn't anyone who could ever replace him. He is my soul mate, my best friend and I am so proud to be his wife.

    Happy Anniversary my Love!

    0 Nyas:

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